Fiverr as microjobs marketplace have almost unlimited capacity for driving sales. Good news with Fiverr is you don't have to be already established seller to succeed. You only need to offer quality services and after you start receiving purchases to finish them on time and with 100% quality.
I am researching Fiverr marketplace everyday. I am trying to figure out how to make my earnings higher but my work less. I found some seller have more than 30 sales per day. That is 30 x $5 at least is at lest $150. These money are enough to live a solid life in every country in the world.
If you are beginner on Fiverr probably you don't believe me. You are probably asking yourself how it's possible? What do these sellers sell to get 30 sales or more per day?
Yes it's possible. I decided to make some screenshoots to prove my statements.
Do you believe me now? Can you see the power of Fiverr? Can you see sales force of the biggest microjobs marketplace?
I just shared screenshoot of a few I found of the main page. There are thousands of gigs with similar if not higher number of sales.
So, how can I achieve the same success? Is it really possible to start driving 30 sales or even more?
I'll be honest. It depends what do you sale. Not that you will not bring 30 sales or more. This is because will you available to complete them. Because imagine today you receive 30 sales, tomorrow the same success, the next week again, the next month etc. It will be a time when you will have hundreds of sales. Will you available to complete them?
So, the solution is simple. You have to sale services in which you are really good and which you can complete in let's say 10-15 minutes maximum. If you are selling data entry services you can't achieve this success because there is no way to manage the sales. But if you sell a software you already developed, if you already wrote a book, if you offer fixing a wordpress theme or fixing a source code in any programming language, if you have10000 PLR artices or some similar services then you can achieve the above success.
With time you will become Fiverr Top Rated Seller. This title will additionally boost your sales. The possibilities are endless if you find what to sell and if the product or service you sale is with high quality and it's in demand.
Promotion is also a key of your success. Browsing the Internet I found many seller that have paid the biggest advertising networks as Google AdWords to promote their gigs or their websites or blogs where their gigs are promoted.
Social media websites are a golden eggs for the marketers. You have unlimited opportunities to promote (avoid spamming) their gigs. There are many groups where people with similar interests are members. When they see your product and service and according to their needs they will visit it.
Before I started to sell micro jobs services on Fiverr I worked as an affiliate for different affiliate networks but I didn't find the same success. I wasn't able to quit my job and starting to work as an independent contractor. Thanks to Fiverr I earn enough to have financial freedom. You can have the same. You need only imagination, little work and believing in yourself. Never expect that you will succeed in 1 day. But if you work for couple of month the success will come.
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